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Thursday, 7 March 2013

Breakfast, the best meal of the day!

I was driving to work and my stomach growled. I was excited, I was looking forward to getting to work, to sitting down at my desk, sipping my coffee, catching up on the latest news and emails before grabbing something to eat.

Two things occurred to me.

1.) That I was hungry. This is not such a big thing to most people, but for me who used to be huge snacker at night, I would often still feel full in the morning. Which is not what you're supposed to be like. So feeling hungry in the morning is always somewhat satisfying because it means I did well the night before and it is now time to start a new day on track.

2.) That I have always looked forward to breakfast. Breakfast is probably my most looked forward to meal of the day (does that make sense??). It is easy, uncomplicated, delicious and there are so many options which are so healthy for you, so it is hard to go wrong so early in the day.

This of course got me thinking about my mother, or rather the fact that in the last year she has just started to train herself to eat breakfast in the morning. My mother is the opposite to me. She rarely eats, often eating dinner and that it is it (until recently, as I said she now eats breakfast). She likes wine, nuts and raisins and her ice coffee, and the occasional hot chips. But she rarely rarely eats anything else bad, by that I mean junk food, chocolate, chips, ice cream, cookies etc etc She can go weeks on end without being tempted.

Anyways I am getting off topic. So back to breakfast.

I struggle to understand the people, like my mother, that do not eat breakfast. For me it is one of the best moments of the day.

Since starting my weight loss journey, breakfast has become even more important. If I start the day off well, I usually set myself up for the rest of the day. If I don't, well it doesn't take long before I'm thinking of all sorts of foods that I shouldn't have.

Do you eat breakfast? What do you eat that sets you up for the day? If not, why not?

During the week I often have weatbix with fruit and rice milk. On the weekends I will either have cereal or eggs on toast, depending on how much time I have. But I always eat breakfast, as I said if I don't, I essentially can throw the day away. Such a simple thing, but so so simple!

Is there a meal that you look forward too more than anything? Or does eating/not eating breakfast affect you as much as it does me?

1 comment:

  1. I eat breakfast because I know I should but not because I like it much! I eat my biggest meal mid-day.
